Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Uganda community Art skill Development and Recycling (UCASDR) Collaborates with Makerere University- College of Engineering Design Art and Technology (CEDAT) Students in the Community

Community angament in Recycling plastics

Students looking at plastics and preparing 

The community Members looking how to mix the ingrediants

Group picture

The chairperson kalerwe getting inspired to see the brick from plastics

Students and DR Venny Nakazibwe Deputy Principal from CEDAT -Makerere University working with UCASDR in the community, making affordable bricks from recycled plastics.
Dr Veny is currently the Head of the PBL project a collaboration between Makerere University and Aalto University Finland

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Makerere University CEDAT students working with Tusiime Mathias

Students of CEDAT-Makerere University working and Tusiime Mathias from UCASDR working on Plastic Recycling.

Plastic Bricks in the Mound

 Bricks made from recycled plastics,
For details about Tusiime Mathias and some products he has been making out of plastics here is the links for details; http://tusiimemathias.blogspot.ug/2013/03/uganda-community-art-skill-devolopment.html?m=1
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